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Titan Edge

Based on a flexible application-based design, TITAN Edge enables operators to compose multiple processing (Decoder, Gateway, Encoder) in a unique piece of multi-connectivity software.

Based on TITAN’s modular software suite and leveraging a full COTS or virtualized approach, TITAN Edge is a versatile solution for operations running a combination of on-premises, off-premises and cloud.

Titan Edge Decoder

TITAN Edge Decoder is a low-latency software solution: a multi-channel / any-input decoder to any output, with easy setup, fast signal lock and industry-grade input support.
TITAN Edge Decoder is the high-density solution for 4K, HD, satellite/terrestrial/IP reception, Over-the-Air or scrambled sources, gateway, IP turnaround.

Titan Edge Gateway

TITAN Edge Gateway is a low-latency multi-channel / any-input-to-any-output solution, with easy setup, fast signal lock and industry-grade input support.
TITAN Edge Gateway is the high-density solution for 4K, HD, Satellite/Terrestrial/IP reception, Over-the-Air or scrambled sources, gateway, IP turnaround.
The reliable and secure TITAN Edge Gateway ARQ solutions make it a comprehensive solution to contribute from/to the cloud.

Titan Edge Encoder

TITAN Edge Encoder is a multi-channel modular encoder, baseband as SDIoIP input, to any output, providing pristine video quality at low-latency profile.
TITAN Edge Encoder is the high-density contribution solution for 4K, HD in HEVC 4:2:2 12 bits as H264 4:2:2 10 bits.